
Integrating biodiversity and the Sustainable Development Goals

The important role that biodiversity can have in meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was highlighted by UNEP-WCMC at two events during UNEP’s celebration of International Day for Biological Diversity. Held in Nairobi, Kenya on the day before the official opening of the second United Nations Environment Assembly, the events saw the launch of four new reports on the regional state of biodiversity and a discussion on how integrating biodiversity into approaches to meet the SDGs is important for policy coherence and cost-effective implementation.

The launch of the reports, The State of Biodiversity – a mid-term review of progress towards the Strategic Plan in Africa, Asia Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean, and West Asia was opened by Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity. Each of the four reports highlights progress towards the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, an internationally agreed set of biodiversity targets, and whilst they show some positive progress they highlight the challenge that remain if the targets are to be met by their agreed deadline of 2020. The four reports were initiated by UNEP Division of Environmental Law and Conventions in collaboration with the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity and prepared by UNEP-WCMC. 

High-level representatives of the UN regions covered by the reports also attended and gave feedback which included their planned use of the reports. These future uses cover a spectrum of issues, from feeding into national biodiversity strategy meetings to sustainable development finance discussions and ecosystem-based adaptation for food security actions. The critical importance of nature for sustainable development planning was raised, and the opportunity presented by the SDGs to consolidate and enhance links between environment and development was emphasized.

The launch event was followed by an event that highlighted the essential role of biodiversity for achieving the SDGs. Organized by UNEP-WCMC and facilitated by Neville Ash, Director of UNEP-WCMC, presenters included the CBD Secretariat and UNEP.

Messages included using National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans to implement SDGs; drawing upon the CBD Subsidiary Body on Implementation recommendations on mainstreaming; and making sure that the inclusion of biodiversity in multiple SDGs is recognized. Efforts to visualize the links between global indicators for tracking progress towards achieving the SDGs and those used by the biodiversity-related conventions was also profiled. It was mentioned that embedding biodiversity in approaches to meeting the SDGs requires more than just putting knowledge in the hands of biodiversity practitioners, but working with multiple decision makers so that the values of biodiversity and natural capital are demonstrated and recognized.

A panel session of representatives from Bhutan, Finland, Mexico and Uganda outlined their country's progress to date on SDG planning especially in the context of biodiversity contributing to multiple goals. The panellists were asked to reflect on how the international community could support their efforts. Further work on natural capital accounting and the Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity were suggested as approaches that can help multiple sectors to 'speak the same language' so that biodiversity can be integrated into sustainable development action.

Discussions on how to integrate biodiversity in SDG planning will continue during the United Nations Environment Assembly, 23-27 May 2016.

The launch of State of Biodiversity – a mid-term review of progress towards the Strategic Plan was opened by Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias. Photo copyright, Neil Burgess

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