
New UNEP-WCMC-supported global biodiversity assessment discussed by governments

The Fourth Global Biodiversity Outlook (GBO-4) is the latest United Nations report on the state of biodiversity, and the first to consider progress in implementation of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and the Aichi Biodiversity Targets adopted by Parties to the CBD in 2010.

As with the previous Outlook (GBO-3) launched in 2010, UNEP-WCMC played a significant role in the delivery of GBO-4, particularly in terms of providing the evidence base for the assessment. The report identifies which of the Targets is on course for completion by 2020 and which ones require greater action, as well as proposing activities that could help governments reach their targets to halt biodiversity loss. GBO-4 was launched last week and is being discussed by governments and other stakeholders at the Twelfth Conference of Parties to the CBD (COP12) taking place in Pyeongchang, South Korea.

DIVERSITAS and UNEP-WCMC worked together to coordinate the underlying technical report which accompanies GBO-4: Progress towards the Aichi Biodiversity Targets: An assessment of biodiversity trends, policy scenarios and key actions. This 500-page report presents detailed chapters on progress towards each of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets including the projected outlook to 2020 and what needs to be done to achieve the targets. Each Target chapter also includes a cost-benefit analysis of those actions and scenario-based predictions of the state of biodiversity in 2050.

UNEP-WCMC led the writing of the chapters on Target 11 (protected areas and other effective area-based measures), Target 12 (preventing extinctions and improving species conservation status), Target 14 (ecosystems that provide essential services) and a chapter on incorporating biodiversity and the Aichi Biodiversity Targets into the proposed Sustainable Development Goals. Analysis of projected progress towards the Aichi Biodiversity Targets by 2020 was also led by UNEP-WCMC and published in Science last week. Indicator inputs for each of the chapters were convened by the Biodiversity Indicators Partnership.

Governments are currently meeting in Pyeongchang to agree on steps to accelerate the implementation of the Strategic Plan of Biodiversity and its Aichi Biodiversity Targets. UNEP-WCMC staff are attending COP12 to promote the launch of GBO-4 and ensure a wide discussion of its findings. UNEP-WCMC also launched the latest release of the Aichi Targets Passport, a smart phone app this week at COP12. The Passport is a handy reference tool for the Aichi Biodiversity Targets that showcases some of the indicators used to track progress towards the Targets.

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